Thursday, December 30, 2010

Belarus update 4: Ex-presidential candidates charged with organizing mass riots on Election Day

Ex-presidential candidates charged with organizing mass riots on Election Day

Ex-presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich yesterday was charged with staging actions that led to mass riots on December 19, Statkevich's lawyer Tatsiana Stankevich told Euroradio.

Similar charges were presented to six other presidential contenders: Aliaksei Mikhalevich, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu, Vital Rymasheuski and Andrei Sannikau who are being held in a KGB pre-trial prison. Rygor Kastusyou and Dzmitry Uss were also charged, but they were released after signing a statement not to leave the country.

Lawyers also confirmed that Pavel Seviarynets, an aide to ex-presidential candidate Vital Rumasheuski, and Iryna Khalip, the wife of Andrei Sannikov and journalist with Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, were also charged, reports Belapan

The same charges were also presented to Youth Front deputy chairperson Anastasia Palazhanka and Andrei Sannikov's spokespersn Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

The charged persons will remain in pretrial detention for two months in the course of investigation.

Belarusian Opposition Candidates Formally Charged Over Protests

Authorities in Belarus are expected today to formally charge a fifth opposition candidate in connection with the protests that broke out in Minsk following this month's presidential election. 

Ales Mikhalevich's lawyer said his client was likely to be charged today with organizing violent mass riots. 

Four other presidential contenders -- Uladzimer Nyaklyaeu, Vital Rymasheuski, Mikalay Statkevich, and Andrey Sannikau-- were already charged with similar offenses on December 29.

All five men are being held in a prison controlled by the KGB security service.

The December 19 election resulted in a fourth term for President Alyaksandr Lukashenka in a vote observers say was flawed and marred by the ensuing crackdown on Lukashenka's opponents.

Two other presidential candidates -- Ryhor Kastusyou and Dzmitry Vus -- were not detained but are barred from leaving the country as they are under investigation.

In total, 26 people, including the candidates' campaign managers and other opposition activists, have been identified as suspects in a probe into the mass postelection rally on December 19, when more than 10,000 people took to the capital's central square to protest alleged vote-rigging.

If found guilty of organizing violent unrest, they could face up to 15 years in prison. Belarus has in the past leveled similar charges against Lukashenka's opponents. In 2006, former presidential candidate Alyaksandr Kozulin was sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison. He was pardoned in 2008 under EU pressure. 

Authorities on December 29 began releasing people detained during the post-election demonstrations. Some 600 people were arrested after police violently broke up the rally.

In the meantime, the lawyer for Uladzimer Nyaklyaeu says she fears for his health and called for his immediate hospitalization. Tamara Sidarenka said Nyaklyaeu, who was severely beaten before the rally, was unable to speak and was suffering from high blood pressure when she visited him in prison in Minsk on December 29.

"His health condition is very critical," she said. "Nyaklyaeu isn't being hospitalized, despite the fact that he is facing a big risk of a second hypertension crisis and stroke, especially considering the fact that he has been in [doctors'] records since 1999 when he suffered a stroke."

Two other Lukashenka challengers -- Rymasheuski and Sannikau -- also reportedly sustained injuries during their arrest, with rights group Amnesty International claiming that Sannikau has been tortured in detention. Amnesty quotes Sannikau's lawyer as saying that the candidate's legs appear to have been broken and that the way he speaks and carries himself indicates he may have brain damage.

Crackdown Condemned

According to official results following the December 19 vote, Lukashenka, frequently referred to as "Europe's last dictator," won 80 percent of the vote. 

Western governments and international observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe criticized the election as flawed and condemned the crackdown on protesters.

It took a week for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to formally congratulate Lukashenka on his victory. Interfax reports that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin formally endorsed Lukashenka's reelection on December 29.

"I did not follow these elections, but it seems clear from the amount of voters the choice of the Belarusian people should be respected," Putin told journalists. "I am not ready to evaluate the circumstances of these elections."

Lukashenka has ruled Belarus for 16 years.

written by Farangis Najibullah, with contributions form RFE/RL's Belarus Service and agency reports

Freedom of press in Hungary


The Hungarian parliament passed an arbitrary and ill-defined law tightening government control over the media. The new National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), dominated by people loyal to the ruling Fidesz party, will oversee all public news production and its powers will include levying big fines on private media that violate the law.
If you support the case of freedom of press in Hungary – as well as all over the world – please join us, share this site and invite your friends too!


Express your support at the FB site!


Last update: 2010/12/26 17:18


THE NEW YORK TIMES (2010/12/25)
Hungary Waves Off Criticism Over Media Law

Hungarian Media Law Draws Fire

FINANCIAL TIMES (2010/12/24)
EU presses Hungary on media law

THE AUSTRALIAN (2010/12/24)
Hungary censured over gag law

The demolition of press freedom in Hungary

Germany welcomes EU investigation on new Hungarian media law, urges respect of media freedom

EFJ Media release (2010/12/23)
Journalists Question Hungary's Leadership of Europe as Media Law Provokes Outrage

Sweeping new media law threatens freedom of expression in Hungary

Hungary and media freedom

COUNCIL OF EUROPE (2010/12/23)
Markku Laukkanen calls for limits on new media authority in Hungary

THE ECONOMIST (2010/12/23)
All eyes on Orbán

EURACTIVE (2010/12/23)
EU speechless over Hungary's contentious media law

DAILY MAIL (2010/12/23)
Hungary gags media and throws its EU presidency into doubt with Communist-style measure

THE TIMES (2010/12/23)
Press Ganged

RAIDIÓ TEILIFÍS ÉIREANN (2010/12/23) Ireland
Hungary criticised over new media control laws

OSCE (2010/12/22)
Hungarian media law further endangers media freedom, says OSCE media freedom representative

Midday press briefing - Hungary media law

Hungary's media law raises eyebrows and concerns

NASDAQ (2010/12/22)
German Government Closely Watching Hungarian Media Law Changes

Hungary Approves 'Chilling' Media Law Over Protests

LYMEC alarmed by Hungary's media gagging

CNBC (2010/12/21)
Hungary passes contentious new media law

BBC NEWS (2010/12/21)
Hungary to create new media watchdog

DEUTCHE WELLE (2010/12/21)
Hungarian parliament passes controversial law to oversee media,,6362238,00.html

REUTERS (2010/12/21)
Hungary passes law boosting government control of media

NATIONAL POST (2010/12/21) Canada
Hungary's media law is a direct assault on press freedoms

Hungary Approves Controversial Media Law

EUOBSERVER (2010/12/21)
Hungary leads EU attacks on press freedom, watchdog says

NEWS DAILY (2010/12/21)
Hungary passes law boosting government control of media

European Blog Action against Censorship in Hungary

THE NEW AGE (2010/12/21) South Africa
Hungary''s parliament approves a controversial media bill

EURONEWS (2010/12/20)
Hungary's new media law branded "heavy-handed"

FINANCIAL TIMES (2010/12/19)
Hungary protesters fight media regulations

FREEDOM HOUSE (2010/12/13)
Proposed Hungarian Media Law Would Threaten Freedom

GUARDIAN (2010/06/25)
Protests at new media law in Hungary

DEUTCHE WELLE (2010/06/23)
Critics say proposed Hungarian media reform stifles press freedom,,5723651,00.html

HÜRRIET (2010/06/20) Turkey
Hungarian journalists oppose new media law

Monday, December 27, 2010

Persbericht Themadag Gemeentecontacten: Samen getuige zijn van Christus



Themadag gemeentecontacten in Centraal en Oost Europa


Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Kool is al bijna 25 jaar werkzaam in Hongarije. Zij is sinds 1987 uitgezonden door de GZB en geeft leiding aan het Zendingsinstituut in Boedapest. De situatie in het post communistische Oost Europa en de rol van kerken in Christelijke organisaties zijn daarbij heel belangrijke thema’s. In haar contacten komt ze met een zekere regelmaat mensen tegen die betrokken zijn bij contacten met kerkelijke gemeenten in Nederland. Lag vlak na de val van het communisme het accent op materiële noden thans liggen er vele vragen op geestelijk terrein. Hoe kunnen Nederlandse gemeenten samen met de gemeenten in Centraal en Oost Europa optrekken in de seculiere wereld. Welke maatschappelijke invloeden zijn van belang? En is er geen behoefte meer aan materiële hulp?

Deze en andere vragen staan centraal op een themadag die D.V. 8 januari 2011  in de Sionkerk in Houten gehouden zal worden. Nadere informatie is verkrijgbaar via



Uitnodiging Themadag Gemeentecontacten 8 januari 2011



Themadag gemeentecontacten

8 januari 2011

10.00 tot 15.00 uur

Sionkerk Houten



Het is bijna twee jaar geleden dat wij in Houten een themadag gemeentecontacten hebben georganiseerd.


Het was een unieke gelegenheid om met elkaar stil te staan bij de contacten die kerkelijke gemeenten in Nederland onderhouden met gemeenten in Hongarije en Roemenië.


Centraal stond de vraag: hoe samen missionair gemeente zijn. Sinds de eerste contacten vanuit Nederland zijn ontstaan is er veel veranderd zowel in Nederland als ook in Roemenië in Hongarije. Verschillende mensen herinneren zich nog het begin: Bijbels en Christelijke lectuur smokkelen en waar mogelijk humanitaire hulp bieden. Na de val van het communisme kwam er een nieuwe tijd waarin de contacten wederzijds gewoon georganiseerd konden worden. En hoewel de vraag naar materiële ondersteuning nog niet geheel voorbij is komen er meer en meer vragen naar boven die te maken hebben met de gezamenlijke positie: hoe vorm geven aan het gemeente zijn in een seculiere wereld.


Daarbij komt ook de vraag hoe jongere generaties het gemeentecontact vorm willen geven.


Reden voldoende om opnieuw een bijeenkomst te organiseren. Ik hoop komende Kerstdagen en jaarwisseling in Nederland door te brengen en deze gelegenheid gebruiken om u uit te nodigen om verder met elkaar van gedachten te wisselen over de vragen waarvoor wij ons gesteld zien.


Juist de afgelopen periode heb ik in verschillende gesprekken in Hongarije vernomen dat er groeiende belangstelling is voor contacten en met name om de vragen van het gemeente zijn in deze tijd met elkaar te bespreken.


Graag wil ik u uitnodigen voor de bijeenkomst op 8 januari. Wij kunnen gebruik maken van de ruimten van de Sionkerk.


Het is de bedoeling om middels enkele korte inleidingen stil te staan bij de ontwikkelingen in de regio en daarna vooral ook ervaringen en ideeën uit te wisselen.


Evenals vorige keer is Mineke Hardeman (, tel. Nr 06 51424885) contactpersoon voor de verdere organisatie.


Wilt u zich bij haar aanmelden. U kunt ook bij haar terecht voor eventuele vragen en opmerkingen. Mocht u andere mensen kennen die mogelijk geïnteresseerd zijn in deze bijeenkomst laat het ons dan even weten dan zullen wij hen ook uitnodigen. In verband met de voorbereidingen verzoeken wij u zich voor 31 december 2010 aan te melden.


Om de kosten te dekken vragen wij van alle deelnemers een bedrag van €10,00 die u ter plaatse kunt voldoen.

Graag wens ik u gezegende Feestdagen.


Hartelijke groet


Dr. Anne-Marie Kool




Sunday, December 26, 2010

Belarus Update 2 and 3: Urgent: our concerns -- Olga from Belarus

From my friend Olga -- Belarus

Dear friends,


thanks for your support and your desire to help us.

What concerns the ideas what you could do, I will share with you some.

- organise picketing of the Belarusian embassies condemning violence and repressions and demanding to free the prisoners and follow the democratic rules, punish those guilty of violent actions (of course, this was sanctioned by the authorities, but still it is important to demand justice). We are concerned about Christian Democrats Vital Rymasheuski, Paval Sieviarynets (both Orthodox Christians) in the first place, but surely about all arrested and beaten ex-candidates and their representatives, as well as hundreds of people who are now in prison in overcrowded cells with bad sanitary conditions and food. It would be great if journalists will write about your initiatives in the mass media.


- make enquiries with your Ministries of External Affairs and ask if they are following up the situation. The reaction of the EU and the USA was strong in condemning the actions of the authorities in Minsk, but concrete sanctions have to be applied to influence the regime (visa sanctions, economic measures, etc.)


- contact the churches in Belarus and ask them if they are following up the situation, if they are providing moral and pastoral support for those who are in prison.

Union of the Evangelical Christian Baptists in Belarus. Tel.+375(17) 295-6784
Mob. +375(29) 389-8221, +375(29) 278-3095


Some priests have offered their assistance on personal level, but that is very little.


- spread the information about the events to your Belarusian friends if you have any, as the state mass media provide only one-sided information and many people even in Belarus don't know what actually happened.


- organise prayer circles for Belarus


- financial support is also needed, but difficult to be delivered to Belarus, and has to be discussed by skype.


Best regards,



p.s. tomorrow 27 December the Belarusian Christian Democrats are organising a press-conference, where Vital's wife, Nasta is going to speak. Please, pray for her and for the event. Please, pray for Vital and all prisoners of the Belarusian regime.



http----- Original Message -----

From: Olga

Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 11:21 PM

Subject: urgent: our concerns


Dear friends,


some of you have received from me the news about the results of the last presidential elections and massive acts of violence from the side of the current authorities in Belarus. Some news in English are here,, (the office of the Euroradio is being searched in the time when I'm writing to you, so I don't know if it will work tomorrow).


19 people were arrested and now are suspected in organising and implementing mass riots (this from 5 to 15 years in prison), about 700 people from the protesters and some accidental people are now in prison for 10-15 days. Arrests and searches continue the whole of this week, even today during Christmas day. We don't know how far the Belarusian regime is going to go. They carefully planned the scenario of putting an end to any opposition in the county.


The patriarch Kirill congratulated our dictator with the victory of the elections, so did the Russian president today. It is hard to expect any help from the side of the majority churches (Orthodox and Catholic), all official church leaders (Protestant as well) are silent.


One of the democratic presidential candidates, Vital Rymasheuski, who represents Belarusian Christian Democrats, is a close friend of mine, we are in one church community for more than 10 years. Vital is now also arrested and facing the danger of being sentenced to 5-15 years of prison. He met his advocate only once, his physical state was normal on Monday 20 December, but he had headache, because he was hit on the head during the attack by the riot police. Now we are helping his family, his wife and daughter. All Vitals friends may be suspected of participating in the criminal activities and plans to overthrow the power.


President Lukashenko promised to reveal the secrete plans of the opposition and the dirty materials prepared by his servants are expected to appear next week in the state mass media (there's almost now independent mass media apart from internet, which is also being controlled).


We don't know what will happen tomorrow, so we urge you to monitor the information from Belarus yourself and organise protest actions at all available levels (Ministries of External Affairs, political parties, Christian and human rights organisations and churches). Before 2006 the authorities were using the oppressive law on freedom of religion to arrest and make searches in the flats and houses where "unregistered religious groups" were conducting religious activities. Bible readings and church home group meeting are illegal in our country for all Christian confessions. So if they would wish so, the authorities can start the same repressions against Christians and any other "dangerous" groups.


At the moment we need to advocate for the release of all prisoners in Belarus among whom there are many Christians as well. We need do demand to stop violence and repressions against citizens of Belarus. The county is paralised by fear and only few people dare to do things openly.


Many of you know my mobile and home phones, it would be great if you could now and then check if everything is fine. My skype name is grammatea (Vol'ha), so you could also use this for connection.


Best wishes for your Christmas celebrations,





Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Belarus Update 1: Lukashenko's scenario used to manipulate the peaceful protest actions and make criminals out the democratic presidential candidates

My friend Olga from Minsk sent this information to inform us of the situation in Minsk. Please keep her and many other friends in Minsk in your prayers, as they seek to live out their faith in the public arena.




Lukashenko’s scenario used to manipulate the peaceful protest actions and make criminals out the democratic presidential candidates


The Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, presidential candidate for the BCD Vital Rymasheuski as well as other democratic presidential candidates and activists are not responsible for the acts of violence, which took place on Independence Square in Minsk during a peaceful mass protest against the presidential election fraud on 19 December 2010. 


During the rally the democratic candidates for presidency decided to negotiate with the representatives of the Government in its headquarters, but no one opened the doors and there were a large number of riot police inside the building. Several provocateurs from the Belarusian security service started breaking the doors of the Government headquarters and then the riot police attacked the democratic presidential candidates and started beating up the protesters dividing and dispersing them all over the square. Vital Rymasheuski and activists of the BCD were trying to stop the provocateurs, but they were blocked and beaten by the police.


Here’s the video where Mr. Rymasheuski explains what happened (in Russian):

"When we came to the Government house to knock on the door and call someone for the negotiations, drunk disguised provocateurs - 8 people - began to break the glass. There were many people from the security services with small cameras, who made a tight circle around the door; it was not possible to come close. We have organized the guards group and came to push out the agents-provocateurs and we have almost succeeded. But as soon as they stopped beating the windows immediately the riot police jumped out of the building".


The organizers of the protest rally planned to hold a peaceful demonstration. And the rally was peaceful indeed. Vital Rymasheuski announced this before 19 December and during the demonstration on Independence Square he was calling people to withstand the provocations performed by KGB agents. There were about a thousand drunken people in the crowd who had been sent there by the security service.


Now the Ministry of Internal Affairs has initiated a criminal investigation into yesterday’s mass protest on the square. The official press-release of the Ministry falsely states that the protesters used drain pipes, stones and chunks of ice. It also lies about a large number of wooden sticks, pieces of armature and bottles of alcoholic beverages allegedly found on the square.

Here is the way how the Ministry of Internal Affairs views the situation It has to be noted that the people on the video do not belong to the democratic opposition.


The Belarusian National TV puts the blame of vandalism and violence on the democratic leaders and on Vital Rymasheuski in particular. Now the KGB forces the remaining ex-presidential cases to make statements on TV against their colleagues, who are now imprisoned.


Now the BCD co-chairmen Vital Rymasheuski and Paval Sieviarynets are in the KGB pre-trial prison. Other former presidential candidates are also reported to be there.

The Belarusian Christian Democracy requests you to write appeals condemning the ignoble violent actions taken by the current Belarusian authorities, to conduct open and fair investigation of the events, to release the more than 600 of people held now in prison, some of them without warm clothes and even food and drink ( in Belarusian).


Headline news: Hungary leads EU attacks on press freedom, watchdog says -- Andrew Willis

21.12.2010 @ 17:44 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The creation of a new Hungarian media authority with powers to sanction national press outlets is the latest sign of a worrying trend in the wider EU, Paris-based NGO Reporters Without Borders has said.
"It is a growing problem in Europe at the moment. There is no member state that is going in the right direction in terms of media freedom," Olivier Basille, the watchdog's chief representative for the EU, told this website in a telephone interview on Tuesday (21 December). "Ever since the US terrorist attacks of 11 September, 2001, we have been moving backwards," he added.

On Tuesday the Hungarian parliament, dominated by MPs from the governing centre-right Fidesz party, passed a controversial media law that critics say will greatly restrict press freedom in the eastern European state which is set to take over the EU presidency on 1 January 2011.
The law will create a new media authority, called the NMHH, with powers to issue fines to media groups whose coverage is deemed to be unbalanced or an infringement upon human dignity.
The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has also criticised the step, arguing it will give "unprecedented powers in content regulation to the newly established media authority".
Editors are concerned that the new body - to comprise five appointees from the ruling right-wing Fidesz party – could also force journalists to reveal their sources in national security or public order cases.
"We don't know how exactly it will change the situation. Much too much is left open to interpretation, nothing is clear," Reporters Without Borders' Mr Basille said. "Hungary is set to represent the EU for the coming six months. What credibility will the government have when it speaks to regimes in places like Zimbabwe or Belarus?" he added.
Budapest has denied that the new law will restrict media freedom. Asked by a reporter in Brussels on Monday if Hungarian journalists who criticize its EU presidency will be punished, Hungarian foreign minister Janos Martonyi said: "I would encourage all of you to violently criticise the Hungarian presidency if you are unhappy with it."
Mr Martonyi, who himself worked for Hungary's censorious Communist-era regime and who was outed in press in April for collaboration with the Communist secret police, added that the legislation compares favourably with other EU press laws.
This may come as little comfort to media freedom groups who have witnessed a raft of restrictive measures across the 27-member union in recent years.
A new law that came into force in Ireland on 1 January 2010 makes blasphemy a crime punishable with a fine of up to €25,000. The government has defended the measure as necessary to protect the growing diversity of religious faiths, arguing that the 1936 constitution only extends protection to Christians.
Slovakia has also caused alarm with its 2008 Press Act, handing the minister of culture the authority to penalise editors for publishing articles that promote certain kinds of hate. The law also established a sweeping "right of reply" by individuals to articles published in newspapers or magazines.
"The vote means that ... anyone will be able to reply - even in an untrue manner - to any opinion piece, even if it contained nothing untrue," the OSCE said in a statement after the law was passed.
Media concentration in the hands of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is a primary target of critics, while Britain's tough libel laws are frequently used by business leaders, celebrities and politicians eager to muzzle reporters.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, a leaked US cable has shown how the State Department handles the press.
A cable from January this year on the Haiti earthquake personally signed off by secretary of state Hilary Clinton bemoans adverse press coverage of the US reaction to the crisis and goes on to say: "Where you see ill-informed or distorted perspectives in your host country media, I direct you as Chief of Mission to personally contact media organizations at the highest possible level - owners, publishers, or others, as appropriate - to push back and insist on informed and responsible coverage of our actions and intentions."
One nation appears to stand out on the positive side.
Badly beaten by the financial crisis, Iceland has sought to establish itself as a media haven over the past year, with a new bill - The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative - seeking to strengthen journalistic source protection, freedom of speech, and government transparency.
This could be partially unwound if Iceland joins the European Union however, warn critics. "EU legislation will oblige Reykjavik to break some of these new rules," said Mr Basille.

Copyright © 1999-2010, All rights reserved


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Belarus election ends with violent protests

President Alexander Lukashenko re-elected to a fourth term in office
Last Updated: Sunday, December 19, 2010 | 9:59 PM ET.CBC News

Protesters rally in Minsk on Sunday to denounce an election they say was rigged. (Sergei Grits/Associated Press)Thousands of opposition supporters tried to storm Belarus's main government building in Minsk after Sunday's national election, which a government exit poll showed — and official results later confirmed — President Alexander Lukashenko had won by a landslide.

About 40,000 opposition supporters rallied in central Minsk to call for the longtime authoritarian leader to resign. But the crowd, the largest opposition rally since 1996, was dispersed by baton-wielding police. Dozens of protesters were injured in clashes with riot police and their leader, as well as two other candidates, were beaten.

Lukashenko garnered 79.1 per cent of the vote, while Grigor Kostusev won 4.2 per cent, according to the Minsk-based EcooM research centre. Official results released later by the state electoral commission showed Lukashenko won his fourth term in office with 79.7 per cent of the votes, Reuters reported.

Read more:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Advents Church service from Gazdagrét Reformed Church

Today Hungarian State Television broadcasted the church service from the Gazdagrét Church.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cape Town 2010 – Egy magyar evangélikus lelkésznő szemével – Sok-sok képpel!

Cape Town 2010 – Egy magyar evangélikus lelkésznő szemével – Sok-sok képpel!

Az 1910-es Edinburgh-i világmissziós konferencia 100. évfordulóját ünnepelhetik a keresztények. E jeles esztendőben rendezték meg a Lausanne-mozgalom harmadik kongresszusát a dél-afrikai Fokvárosban 2010. október 16-25. között. A mottó: „Isten Krisztusban megbékéltette magával a világot.” (2Kor 5,19) A magyar delegáció két evangélikus tagja, Szeverényi János országos missziói lelkész és Hulej Enikő az Evangélikus Rádiómisszió korábbi munkatársa az Evangéliumi Alliansz meghívására vett részt a találkozón. A oldalon bárki tájékozódhat a Lausanne mozgalomról, letöltheti a fokvárosi kongresszus írott, kép- és videóanyagait, és hozzászólásával be is kapcsolódhat e globális eszmecserébe. Szöveg és fotó: Hulej Enikő

Olvasd tovább:
Cape Town 2010 – Egy magyar evangélikus lelkésznő szemével – Sok-sok képpel!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Geloof - Nederlands Dagblad

Huiswerk voor de theologie

Overweldigend en bemoedigend was de wereldzendingsconferentie voor veel deelnemers. Maar dat is niet genoeg, weet de organisatie. De Lausanne Conferentie, voor wereldzending, is afgelopen. En nu? Redacteur Reina Wiskerke maakt een balans op.

Er ligt een hypotheek op de Lausanne Conferentie voor wereldzending. Er moet invloed van uitgaan op de missie van de kerk in deze wereld. Niemand kan er helemaal de vinger op leggen. Het moet nog bezinken, zegt menigeen.

Een inventarisatie van de signalen die de internationale conferentie, gehouden van 16 tot 25 oktober in Kaapstad, heeft afgegeven.

1. Integriteit en eenvoud
De oproep van de Britse theoloog Chris Wright tot nederigheid, integriteit en eenvoud sloeg in. Aanleiding was de bloei van het welvaartsevangelie, dat succes, gezondheid en rijkdom belooft. De Nigeriaan Femi Adeleye was een van de Afrikaanse voorgangers die zich in Kaapstad tegen het fenomeen keerden. De leden van zijn kerk worden er via televisie mee gebombardeerd, met dank aan zenders uit Noord-Amerika en Europa. Zijn landgenoot Cyril Okorocha spreekt van het evangelie van begeerte, dat ook door Afrikaanse predikers gebracht wordt. 'Het zijn wolven in schaapskleren.'
De oproep tot bekering betrof ook westerlingen die het welvaartsevangelie in theorie afwijzen. 'In het westen léven wij het welvaartsevangelie', zegt Wout van Laar droog - hij was als secretaris van de Nederlandse Zendingsraad in Kaapstad.
Onder leiding van Wright is verder berouw getoond over zendingswerk dat succes baseert op groeicijfers. De Nederlandse Anne-Marie Kool, als hoogleraar missiologie voor Midden- en Oost-Europa, gestationeerd in Budapest, merkt op: 'De Bijbelse manier van zending, waarbij het niet gaat om de grote getallen, maar om het kleine, om de kwaliteit en om wat in stilte gedaan wordt. Zendingswerk wordt nu veelal gedomineerd door fondswerving en door eisen van donoren. Je moet ook in Europa met statistieken, resultaten, output komen.
Wrights oproep vond verder een echo in het motto 'terug naar de basis'. Het werd gebruikt om te zeggen dat 'we opnieuw moeten leren wat het is om Christus te volgen'. Anderen benadrukten ermee dat de kerkelijke gemeente terug moet naar haar kerntaak en dat is missie.

Lees verder: Geloof - Nederlands Dagblad

Lausanne III in Cape Town: Huiswerk voor de Theologie

ND Lausanne Verslag Amk 2010-11-5huiswerk Voor de Theologie

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010. 10. 16.-24. között Cape Town-ban tartották a III. Lausanne-i Világ Evangélizációs Kongresszust

D. Szabó Dániel, a Református Presbiteri Szövetség és az Aliansz Evangéliumi Szövetség elnöke 2010 november 2-án, kedden reggel a 7.30 órától kezdődő „Lelkész Kör Budapestért„ imareggelijén igehirdetéssel és beszámolóval szolgált a résztvevő lelkipásztoroknak és keresztyén lelki vezetőknek.

Budapesten, a Szilágyi Dezső téri gyülekezet termében összegyült körből többen is részt vettek a 2010 október 16.-24. között Cape Town-ban tartott Lausanne-i Világ Evangélizációs Kongresszuson melynek lelkületéből megérezhettünk valamit ezen a reggelen.

2010 október 16.-24. között Cape Town-ban tartották a III. Lausanne-i Világ Evangélizációs Kongresszust.

A keresztyén Egyház minden földrészen alapvető kihívásokkal néz szembe, amelyek nem csak a létét fenyegetik, de hitének alapját támadják. ,,Az Egyház fontos globális kérdésekkel néz szembe, amelyek szükségessé tesznek globális beszélgetést, hogy globális megoldásokat találhassunk rá.” (Rev. Doug Birdsall, a Lausanne Szövetség elnöke.)

Ennek a globális beszélgetésnek fórumot teremtve a Lausanne Mozgalom az Evangéliumi Világszövetséggel karöltve hívta össze a III. Lausanne-i Világkongresszust, amelyre a világon élő 420 millió evangéliumi keresztény képviseletében, 197 országból több mint 4,200 egyházi és missziós vezető jött össze a dél-afrikai Fokvárosban 2010 október 16-25 között. A Kongresszus globális fórumot biztosított keresztyén vezetők számára – mind a Kongresszus előtt, alatt és után –, hogy imádkozó szívvel közösen keressék Isten vezetését abban, hogy korunk kihívásai közepette, hogyan képviselhetik Krisztus személyét és üzenetét érthető és kultúrálisan helyénvaló módon. A Dr. Billy Graham és Johh Stott kezdeményezésére a svájci Lausanne-ban 1974-ben életre hívott I. Lausanne-i Világkongresszus és az 1989-ben a fülöp-szigeteki Manilában megrendezett II. Lausanne-i Világkongresszus óta a világ – s benne az Egyház – új, globális kihívásokkal néz szembe.

Olvasd tovább:

Friday, October 29, 2010


Véget ért a világevangelizáció harmadik kongresszusa

Véget ért a világevangelizáció harmadik kongresszusa

2010. október 26., kedd 21:48
.Október 24-én a dél-afrikai Kapstadtban véget ért a nagyszabású világevangelizációs kongresszus, mely a keresztyén világ közvéleményéhez felhívással fordult a hitelesen megélt keresztyénség érdekében. Az alkalmon a Presbiteri Szövetség elnöke, dr. h.c. Szabó Dániel is részt vett.

Amit a keresztyének hirdetnek vagy prédikálnak, annak életük stílusában, viselkedésükben is tükröződnie kell – mondta Lindsay Brown, a lausannei missziói világmozgalom nemzetközi igazgatója. Több mint 4 000, a misszió és az evangelizáció mellett elkötelezett keresztyén szakember volt együtt egy héten át, több mint 200 országból a dél-afrikai városban. Leginkább arról tanácskoztak, miféle új utakat és lehetőségeket tudnak találni, alkalmazni a keresztyén örömüzenet terjesztéséhez.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Integrity - Confronting Idols | The Lausanne Global Conversation

This talk of Chris Wright, International Director of Langham Partnership International, challenges the people of God to confront the idols of power and pride, popularity and success, and wealth and greed. He called the Church to repentance and simplicity.
A milestone in Lausanne history, with much food for thought and prayer for the whole church in the whole world.

Integrity - Confronting Idols The Lausanne Global Conversation

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Christianity Thrives among 'Gypsies' Despite Prejudice

Roma Revival: Missionary efforts continue to succeed.
Trevor Persaud posted 10/26/2010 09:35AM

In deporting thousands of Roma, or Gypsies, to Romania and Bulgaria this summer, France polarized the European Union and focused continent-wide attention on the ethnic minority known for its centuries-old story of discrimination. Fewer know how far the gospel is spreading among them.

"Most people still hate Gypsies, especially in France," said John Boyd, a Roma pastor who works with Light and Life, an international Assemblies of God ministry by and for Roma. "[Yet] revival hasn't stopped. God is calling Gypsies all around the world."
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International Orthodox Mission Network Conference in Veliko Tarnovo

From Oct. 20-24, 2010 the International Orthodox Mission Network held its second conference in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. The first one took place in February in Minsk, Belarus. It was hosted by the Holy Metropolia of Veliko Tarnovo. One of the main organisers of the event was Miss Olga Oleink from Minsk, Belarus. The Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies and the Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies was represented by Mrs. Nóra Sümegi, a graduate from the Faculty of Divinity of the Károli Reformed University in Budapest, a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators.

International Orthodox Mission Network Veliko Tarnovo Oct. 2010 Bg Patriarshia Website Info Eng

Friday, October 22, 2010

BGU Regents excursion II Cape Town 2010

Today was a day off at the congress. With the BGU Regents we made an excursion to the main turist sights of Cape Town. It really is a city to revisit! Very interesting to realize the Dutch element in its history!

BGU at work at Cape Town 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The High Cost of Religious Persecution - Cape Town 2010

The highlight of the second day at Cape Town 2010 was the testimony of an 18 year old North Korean born teenager. Why am I often so bothered by pity things which in fact are nothing compared to the persecution some Christians go through? I asked myself, deeply moved to tears by her testimony.
Lord, help me to stay faithful to you, and to be ready to pray the price of following you.

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, 20 October 2010 - After Gyeong Ju Son, a young woman from North Korea, gave her moving testimony at The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town this week, the 4200 participants from over 190 countries, came away stunned - many moved to tears. They had just witnessed - in their midst - the tragic face of suffering.

"Her tearful testimony obviously moved the assembly. She was given a standing ovation that lasted so long she was called back to the platform to acknowledge the response.

Some have raised questions about whether Cape Town 2010 will lose the Lausanne movement's focus on evangelism in favor of social justice concerns. Apparently not, if the audience's response to this North Korean witness was any clue."
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Photo taken by James Krabill, courtesy of the Lausanne Movement Flickr stream.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Highlight of day three at Lausanne III in Cape Town

Update: We have been asked to purge the full name of this speaker. I rather suspect it is a bit of a lost cause because it’s well tweeted and blogged about, but I’m going to honor the request as I can understand the security issues. Please do not repost photos or videos.

In the beginning of August, 2010, 10 people were martyred. See:

(She names them). And my husband, Tom.

(She names bit by bit the vocations of the 10.)

They were returning from a 3 week mobile clinic in Nuristan.

They left Kabul asking us to pray that they would share God’s mercy. That they would have a ready answer for any who should ask. That they would have stamina for the trek.

Every day he would call twice a day for 1 minute with notes on their progress. I’m going to share them with you now.

Long hiking day.
Slept under the stars tonight, because we didn’t make it to the shepherd’s hut in time.
Pass over the mountain treacherous, with freezing rain.
Never ending stream of people waiting in the rain for our clinic.
Warm welcome from the leader, with goat cheese.
Never saw or smelled so many rotten teeth.
Horrified again
Cheryl & I took turns staying through the night with a teen dying of
Made it to the shepherd’s hut beat, exhausted
Tending oozing feet. One boy with them is weeping, crying, “beautiful feet. beautiful feet.”
On August 5th, the final call: made it to the Land Rovers. Swollen river is receded enough to cross over. We will call you on the other side.

We don’t know who or why they were killed. But we do know the overarching reason they were there. Some were there a long time. Others were in their first term. Some were just visiting.

At a dinner the night before they left, they used words like: “Compelled by God. Called. Great urgency to get back to the valley.”

They all knew the risk. They had extensive permissions for each stage of the route. They went by the safer route even though it was longer and more demanding. Yet several said yes, Jesus, it is worth it.

The team had said on the way back they needed a day of rest. They were to have a day of worship. Later the FBI came and brought me some of the items from my husband’s body. In between lists were sermon notes, stained with blood. Was this what he had shared that day? In the jottings he noted Ephesians 2:8-10, Ephesians 5:2, and 2 Corinthians—we are the aroma of Christ. In the side note he had scribbled, “use the Nuristani Goat Cheese Story.”

Some aromas take some getting used to. Takes time to develop a taste for Nuristani cheese. It spends weeks in animal skins hanging from the sides of donkeys. The smell of men, horses, donkeys, and the cheese itself are all a pungent odor permeating it. You can smell it for miles. Some find it disgusting. Some—when they are hungry enough—try it and found it’s salty flavor enhances the otherwise dry and stale bread. Then you’re hooked and you can’t wait for more.

It was their 5th trip. Tom thought it would be the last. The first time we asked to go. The other times we were begged to come. “Please, please, come and care for us.”

If Tom were here, he would say: in difficult and hard to reach places, grace is not discussed or debated. The incarnation has to be seen and experienced. In powerful and vengeful communities, talk of grace and vulnerability is too foreign—too distasteful—it needs small doses over time. Some have to acquire a taste for grace. They have to be hungry enough. The aroma of grace has to permeate everything. It has to be seen as transforming. It has to change the very flavor of life. It has to bring new life. Those who dare to taste it will say: come back. We like what we have tasted, and we want more.

It takes time. Maybe a whole life time. It takes energy—the willingness to be spent, to be poured out, to wear yourself out. Bob Dylan said, “Die in your footsteps.” It takes patience with those acquiring a new taste.

She quotes John Piper’s poem:

Behold the mercy of our King,
Who takes from death its bitter sting,
And by His blood, and often ours,
Brings triumph out of hostile pow’rs,
And paints, with crimson, earth and soul
Until the bloody work is whole.
What we have lost God will restore -
That, and Himself, forevermore.

May God restore his Kingdom in Afghanistan. May Nuristanis catch a whiff of the aroma of Christ. Taste and See. May the global church be saturated with God’s infinite Christ and spread the aroma of grace in these hard places to the glory of God.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Key to Afghan crisis: Tea and Education true for Roma issue as well?

Christian Science Moniter (MA) December 04 2009
Key to Afghan crisis: tea and education by Todd Wilkinson

Greg Mortenson, author of ‘Three Cups of Tea,’ says success lies in building trust and schools in rural Afghanistan.

Greg Mortenson doesn’t need to rely on think tanks or arcane policy documents to find the road to a better Afghanistan.

The mountaineer-turned-school builder from Montana – recently nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize – depends on what might be called his own show-of-hands index, based on his visits to speak with children in the United States and Afghanistan. In the past few months alone, he’s spoken to tens of thousands of them.

“I always ask American schoolchildren how often they talk with their grandparents about the important events of history in the past. Invariably, maybe 10 percent at most will raise their hands,” he says.

He poses the same question in the remotest corners of Afghanistan, where he has successfully erected 80 schools, many of them focusing on education for girls. There, the range of responses he receives seems to reflect the social health of a particular community.

In rural villages where the Taliban has not exerted its will on the community, Mr. Mortenson says perhaps 80 percent of kids respond affirmatively. But in areas where home-grown and foreign Taliban fighters have established brutal strongholds, sometimes with connections to Al Qaeda, almost no child raises a hand.

As President Obama pledged another 30,000 US troops Dec. 1 to root out terrorists in Afghanistan, Mortenson is suggesting that effort must go hand in hand with another: grass-roots education.

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A 21st Century Reformation: Back to First Principles - Rene Padilla

The sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation left a profound mark not only on the church of Jesus Christ but also on the history of the Western world and, as a sequel, on the history of the whole world. Today, the state of the Christian church in the West and beyond is such that a similar reformation is urgently needed.

A key problem of evangelical churches all over the world today is the unilateral emphasis on numerical growth. For the sake of it the Gospel is watered down, church services are turned into entertainment shows, and Jesus’ commandment to make disciples is replaced by a strategy to enroll as many “converts” as possible. In my frequent travels I find an increasing number of megachurches with a very high rate of numerical growth but with very a low concern for faithfulness to the whole Gospel and the ethical dimensions of whole-life discipleship. One wonders what has happened with the vision of whole-life discipleship projected by the First International Congress on World Evangelization (Lausanne I, held in Switzerland in 1974) in its celebrated Lausanne Covenant.

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Preparations for Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town in final stage

16 - 25 October 2010
The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (Lausanne III) will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, 16-25 October 2010. The Congress, held in collaboration with the World Evangelical Alliance, will bring together four thousand leaders from more than two hundred countries to confront the critical issues of our time—other world faiths, poverty, HIV/AIDS, and persecution, among others—as they relate to the future of the Church and world evangelization. Cape Town 2010 (CT2010) is not just a one-time meeting, but God willing, will be a catalytic event in the life of the Church—drawing leaders together in purposeful prayer, humble repentance, strategic dialogue, and decisive action. For more information visit