Thursday, October 21, 2010

The High Cost of Religious Persecution - Cape Town 2010

The highlight of the second day at Cape Town 2010 was the testimony of an 18 year old North Korean born teenager. Why am I often so bothered by pity things which in fact are nothing compared to the persecution some Christians go through? I asked myself, deeply moved to tears by her testimony.
Lord, help me to stay faithful to you, and to be ready to pray the price of following you.

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, 20 October 2010 - After Gyeong Ju Son, a young woman from North Korea, gave her moving testimony at The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town this week, the 4200 participants from over 190 countries, came away stunned - many moved to tears. They had just witnessed - in their midst - the tragic face of suffering.

"Her tearful testimony obviously moved the assembly. She was given a standing ovation that lasted so long she was called back to the platform to acknowledge the response.

Some have raised questions about whether Cape Town 2010 will lose the Lausanne movement's focus on evangelism in favor of social justice concerns. Apparently not, if the audience's response to this North Korean witness was any clue."
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Photo taken by James Krabill, courtesy of the Lausanne Movement Flickr stream.