Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Das ungarische Mediengesetz auf dem Prüfstand – Bischof Dr. Fabiny im Gespräch

Das ungarische Mediengesetz auf dem Prüfstand – Bischof Dr. Fabiny im Gespräch

Das Anfang Januar in Kraft getretene ungarische Mediengesetz ist – auch und besonders außerhalb des Landes – heftig kritisiert worden. In der Berichterstattung fehlt jedoch bisweilen der tiefere Einblick in das Mediengesetz und das Wissen um die jüngste Geschichte der ungarischen Medienkultur. Im Gespräch blickt Bischof Dr. Tamás Fabiny, der für die kirchliche Medienarbeit zuständig ist, auf das neue Mediengesetz. Text: Holger Manke

In Zusammenhang mit dem neuen ungarischen Mediengesetz ist – besonders für Nichtungarn – nicht unbedingt klar, welchem Zweck der Erlass dieses Gesetzes dienen soll und welche Geschichte ihm vorausgeht …

Das ungarische Mediengesetz auf dem Prüfstand – Bischof Dr. Fabiny im Gespräch

Friday, January 7, 2011

BELARUS - Statement by Jacek Protasiewicz, Chairman of the Delegation for relations with Belarus



- The Chairman -





Chairman of the Delegation for relations with Belarus



Brussels, 23 December 2010. On behalf of the Delegation for relations with Belarus,
I once again call upon the Belarusian authorities to refrain from all forms of repressions which have been imposed on the participants of the demonstration which took place on 19th December 2010 in Minsk, including the independent journalists, civil society activists as well as the leaders and representatives of the political opposition.


In this context I am calling on the Belarusian authorities to release from prisons all former presidential candidates on their own recognizance, namely Uladzimir Neklayaew, Ales Mikhalevich, Vital Rymashewski, Andrey Sannikaw, Nikolay Statkevich, as well as others who are facing criminal charges on the basis of an Article 293.1 and 2 of the Criminal Code.


Furthermore, I demand that all the detained, in particular those injured during the rally, will be provided with adequate medical assistance.


Moreover I call on the Belarusian government to refrain from penalizing and to immediately release hundreds of people, including the students and their teachers, who have been detained since afore mentioned rally took place, for peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of assembly and expression.


I strongly condemn the assaults against the journalists who covered the events of the Election Day. Mass police violence which effected in injuring reporters, destroying their equipment and detaining them, contradicts the freedom of expression and freedom of media. I call on the Belarusian authorities to immediately liberate all the media representatives.


I remind that these violations of the fundamental values such as freedom
of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of media contradict the possibility for Belarus of a partnership and cooperation offered by the European Union.


For further information contact:

Jacek Protasiewicz

Delegation for relations with Belarus, Chairman

Tel. 0032-2-28 47 743, email: jacek.protasiewicz@europarl.europa.eu


Slachtoffers oneerlijke verkiezingen Wit-Rusland

God, we bidden om uw nabijheid bij honderden mensen die gevangen zitten in Wit-Rusland vanwege hun protest tijdens de oneerlijk verlopen presidentsverkiezingen. We vragen u om hun rechtsbescherming en vrijlating. Wilt u ook bij hun bezorgde families zijn. Wij bidden voor alle mensen in Wit-Rusland die uitzien naar Gods gerechtigheid, dat ze als een zon mag opgaan aan de hemel.
Lees verder: http://www.kerkinactie.nl/Particulieren/Doe-mee/Met-gebed/Slachtoffers-oneerlijke-verkiezingen-Wit-Rusland--i15857

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Als Pelgrims Onderweg -- ter bemoediging in 2011

Van een goede vriend ontving ik de volgende bemoediging...


Als pelgrims onderweg

Het ondernemen van een pelgrimstocht

is een manier om weer contact te

krijgen met de wortels van je leven. Zo

is pelgrimeren naar Santiago de Compostella

populair: in Haarlem is vanouds

een vertrekpunt, waar vandaag

de dag ook een pelgrimstocht per fiets

start (bij het voormalige Sint Jacobs

Godshuis in de Hagestraat; een

ANWB-bord vermeldt: Santiago de

Compostella 2375 km)!


Lees verder: http://www.josdouma.nl/bronwater/Bronwater%2020070114.pdf.

Lukashenko to go back on EU visa ban list

Lukashenka (far left) at a summit of post-Soviet countries in Moscow: the Belarusian leader is the only one on the EU's persona non grata list (Photo: kremlin.ru)


04.01.2011 @ 09:27 CET

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt has said that Belarusian leader Aleksander Lukashenko will be put back on an EU visa ban list along with dozens of officials responsible for post-election beatings and arrests.

Speaking to EUobserver by phone on Monday (3 January) Mr Bildt said: "We have to follow the logic of our previous policies. The last time, when we no longer had political prisoners, we took positive steps. Now we have many more prisoners and those who took part in the actions which took place and those who collaborated with them will inevitably come back on the list."
Read more:

Religious conversion research - Kutatás vallásos megtérésre

Dear Friends and colleagues,

First of all I would like to wish you all a happy New Year and many blessings in all that you will be doing. We would like to ask your help in a small research project.

The Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies of Károli Gáspár University Of The Hungarian Reformad Church performs an international examination in the field of religious conversion. We would like to ask you to fill out the questionnaire below. It takes you max. ten minutes.


Thank you for providing honest answers to our questions. Of course your anonimity is guaranteed. If you have some questions, you can sent  them by email (to László Thoma, thomacsalad@gmail.com).

On your request you will be informed about the results of the whole research.

Please forward this questionnaire to your students, and friends as well. Thank you for your assistance! The deadline is 10th January 2011.

With best regards:

László Thoma and

Dr. Anne-Marie Kool

Kedves Barátaim,
Mindenekelőtt Boldog Új Évet Kívánunk a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Közép- és Kelet-Európai Missziói Tanulmányi Intézete munkatársak nevében! A következő kutatáshoz segítségüket kérünk.

A KRE-KMTI kutatása részeként egy nemzetközi vizsgálatot végzünk. A vallásos megtérés körülményeit vizsgáljuk Közép-Kelet európai kontextusban. A kérdő iv az alábbi linken érhető el:


Nagy segítség lenne, ha őszintén válaszolna kérdéseinkre. Természetesen az anonimitás a felmérésben garantált. Bármilyen kérdése van, tegye fel a Thoma Lászlónak, thomacsalad@gmail.com email címen!

Kérésére a felmérés végleges eredményeiről tájékoztatjuk! Segítségüket is kérjük abban, hogy továbbítsa ezt a kérdőívet ismerőseinek, barátainak, hallgatóinak. A határidő 2011. január 10.

Köszönjük közreműködését!


Dr. Anne-Marie Kool és Thoma László