misgivings about having left Hungary. I told them no, because I felt
confident that God had opened the door for me to begin another part of
my spiritual journey. I had been in Hungary for 10 years. During that
time I did some theological study in Hungary while I was working.
Hungary had become my home. Yes, it was hard to leave. Whenever you
leave a place, it is hard because you leave friends. You always have a
soft spot in your heart for the friends in that place. You comfort
yourself by knowing that you will see your believing friends in
eternity, if not before.
Why did I leave Hungary? Simply, because it was time. Some people told
me that I should not leave because they were 'not ready.' I told them
that is precisely why I should leave now. Then you will see that God
will sustain you. You are ready. God has made you ready. If I leave, you
will grow in your faith in following Jesus to live out the call of Jesus
on your life. We will always be friends, and my door will always be open
to you, wherever I will be.
I left Hungary one year ago. It has been a hard year for me. I was in
language school. God did not give me the miracle of miraculously and
perfectly learning French in the 10 months of study. No, I am only an
average student and I was only at the B1-2 level when I left. But that
is better than where I was a year ago when I did not know any French at
all. It was also hard because I had to start over and know I would only
be there for 10 months. Everything was new to me, the people, the place,
the goal for the year. And none of it was an equal substitute for what I
had left. But it was what God had asked me to do. And I saw that as the
year unfolded. By the end of the year, I had new friends from language
learning, I had new churches that I had gotten to know and enjoy, and I
cared about a country that I had not cared for before. And now, I have
just left France, too.
This summer I returned to Hungary to attend the wedding of a friend, and
lo and behold, I learned of another wedding, just one week after that
one. In fact, the 2 brides knew each other. I had introduced them to
each other a few years ago, before either of them had met their future
husbands. I remember a little of that afternoon. We had a discussion
about singleness, the gift that no one wants. We discussed being content
for each day that God gives you, and trying to live out God's purpose
for you for that day. If God has a spouse for you, God will bring that
spouse into your life. If God has singleness for you, then God will
equip you for it. And you will be content. Here it is a few years later,
and both women are now married. Both of them met their husbands that
very year, and one husband begins theological school this autumn, and
the other is already in the pastorate. Both women were radiant with joy
at their wedding. God is good.
While I was in Hungary, God also confirmed for me that He had taken care
of His children there this past year. I heard from several people that
it was very hard for them when I left. But they made the adjustment.
They got strength in their relationship with God. They read their Bibles
and prayed. They began to read their Bibles and pray with other people,
with their spouse. Sure, they had their ups and downs. But their
relationship with God grew. Their relationships with others grew. I had
joy in my heart as I heard these testimonies of God's faithfulness.
Another Hungarian friend is continuing on her journey to be a cross
cultural worker outside of Hungary. The past year has had its ups and
downs in it for her, too. Sometimes the journey seemed to be working
out, then the next day it would fall apart and nothing seemed to lead
forward. God has been developing her call to mission for the last
several years. God used her research paper on a people group to put love
in her heart for that people. And now, just this summer she has made
contact with a mission group who may help her actually develop a plan to
go to that people group and minister. God is working.
While in Hungary, I returned to 2 of the churches I had known. I went to
one of the house groups in one of the churches. I heard there that the
pastor was preaching great sermons the past 6 months. In another church
I learned that they were getting their new pastor. People in both
churches told me about some of the changes they were experiencing. And
in each church they could say things and point to God's goodness. Yes,
God is working His purposes out.
And now today, I spoke with someone about my next location. It is a
country currently unfriendly to people of my faith. There are some
possibilities for me to go and work there. An opportunity for me to
start again. I am to use my French and to also begin learning the local
language. And I will need to learn some specialized skills in my former
health care profession to use there. It is overwhelming for me. But,
life is a faith journey. And I will be content in God's purpose for me
for each day....