Sunday, January 11, 2015

Missiology course at Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty of the Charles University Prague

Urban Mission perspectives including exposure visit to Amsterdam


2014/2015 spring semester

Teaching blocks:

1. Mar 2-3
2. Mar 9-10
3. May 18-19
(on Monday's 11.00-12.30 and 15.10-16.45, on Tuesday's 16.50-18.25)

April 16-21, 2015 Exposure trip Amsterdam (participation only possible for registered students) *

In the first (theoretical) part of the course we will study the dynamics of “Gospel-Church-context” relations mainly based on the work of Lesslie Newbigin and his successors. Students will also learn about the sociological background of the urban areas. By examining a case study of urban mission in Hungary, students will get insight in the aspects of congregation and community building as well as evangelising the youth in particular in housing-estates.

The second (practical) part of the seminar is a study trip to Amsterdam where the student will examine the cultural context of the city and the response of the Church in mission. During this visit they will around the city and try to identify the „idols of the city”, the context, culture, people groups the churches have to face in Amsterdam. The students also will participate in worship services of two different congregations. This way they will examine a more traditional and a more modern approach to the challenges of the urban setting.

During the two days study visit theological students

• Will get a taste of the context in the Netherlands and especially of Amsterdam. They will participate in a “theological sightseeing” in the city, in which they explore the culture(s) and the city idols and reflected on them from the prospective of Christian mission.
• Understand what urban mission means in a city with many nationalities, strong secularized, different non-western immigrants with their religion, and that there are many different contexts even in one city.
• Observe the role of the pastor and what role members of the church play in two congregations.
• Visit of a Sunday service and discussions with church members

* With Eurolines departure on Thursday evening 16th, return on Monday evening 20th April. Scholarships available. Own contribution 1000 CZK per person.