Friday, October 7, 2011

Evaluations course Dutch Churches and Church life -- Drs. A. Juffer

1.            Church History did not belong to my favorite subjects but I had a nice surprise this week. Despite the fact that Dutch was only my minor before I have started the major, I could understand most of the curriculum as the professor did his best to explain everything in the simplest and clearest way. The curriculum at the beginning of the week was harder because there were more historical data but the topics we dealt with on Wednesday and Friday were interesting and thought provoking (the situation of the Jews in Holland, the results of researches on the immigrants and people’s attitude towards Church, faith, religion and God in Holland today). It pleased me that the professor was interested in our personal point of view, and he did his best to communicate the subject in an interesting and clear way instead of concentrating only on pure facts. It was good to hear about his personal experience and to learn of the Church from this perspective. The summaries at the end of the lectures were very useful and therefore when I reread it at home I could easily take in the information and remember them.
What I regretted was that the course was very intensive and there was a lot of information during the week. It would be nice to have every lecture held by a Dutch professor so that we could improve our language skill much more and we would have to practice speaking the Dutch language.

2. Flóra Remzső
The course gave me a lot of new information; on the whole I can only put down positive remarks. The curriculum was detailed but perspicuous. Important events were highlighted giving a guideline we can build on.
Breaks and timing of lectures were smooth and well-organized.
All in all, I have learnt a lot of new things since I used to study Dutch as a minor and I did not have much knowledge yet. This course will also back up my knowledge about Dutch history.

3. Anna Szijártó
The lecture was very interesting. A detailed picture of the connection of Church and politics in Holland was shown to us, which I will definitely be able to utilize in my further studies. We thank you for the high standard and useful lectures.

4. Piroska Wostály
De lessen waren over het geneel genoenicu erg interessant. Ik heb tot nu toe nog nooit over religie gestudeerd en zo heb ik ook iets nieuws over Wederland genoord. Wat ik nog interessant en goed vond is dat de clocent ook onze meking wilde horen tijdens de les.
Misckien wat ein beetje negatief was dat er te veel details waren binneu een week die men niet kan ontnouden, maar positief is dat ze weren nict guraagd tijclens de examen.

5. Ágnes Kelemen
Hearing only the title of this lecture made me a bit worried but during this week, I believe, I have gained useful knowledge.
Although there were some less interesting moments (lots of names were presented), we touched many interesting topics, especially Alber Juffer’s personal experience and stories. This way we could slow down and think about such things that can be abstracted from the profane world. I liked that he could look at different conceptions within the Church from a critical point of view.
It was not always obvious what the requirements would be at the end and how deep we would need to go into details at the exam. The content and the muchness made me a bit worried and I was not sure what extent of lexical knowledge he would expect from us the last day.
Now at the end of our discussion I think that the exam was fair enough.

6.            During the lectures we have gained a lot of interesting information on the spiritual life in Holland. Mr. Juffer held his lectures in a very clear and patient manner therefore it was easy to pay attention. Unfortunately, because of the short of time the whole subject had to be elaborated in one week. Sometimes it was not easy to take in so much information a day. On the whole, I have a positive opinion about the course especially because of Mr. Juffer’s manner of lecturing.