Thursday, April 21, 2011

New CIMS PhD in Missiology and Ecumenical Studies Programme

The Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies (CIMS) of the Károli Gáspár Reformed University in Budapest, Hungary is pleased to announce the launching of the Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology and Ecumenical Studies (MES). MES is designed to provide outstanding candidates with the opportunity to design, develop and complete a customized research plan and in consequence to develop new theories with contextual relevance for societies with a communist past, to contribute with new insights to the various missionary, interdenomi-national and inter-religious activities of the church, master academic disciplines essential for missiology, deepen the ability of doing high-level academic research, and improve the personal ability to think “missiologically” within the global context.
Registration for the academic year 2011/12 is opened. The deadline for registration is May 31. For any additional information please contact the programme coordinator at

PhD in Missiology and Ecumenical Studies (MES) brochure: MES Brochure