Friday, December 5, 2003

Signs of Life from Hungary -- 87 and 88

Signs of Life from Hungary Volume XI No. 87+88
Monthly prayer update on the ministry of the Protestant Institute for Mission Studies
by Anne-Marie Kool
Budapest, 5th December 2003.

“My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant”. Lk. 1: 46-48a

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”. Mt. 9, 37-38.

Dear Friends,

Lately both verses have been very much on my mind. In the Magnificat Maria sings out her praises to God for the great things He does. The Saviour will be born! Maria feels herself very small in comparison to the great God, but in His compassion He has turned to her. Her son will be God’s Son, the Son of God Almighty! That’s the Good News! The Light of the world has come for ordinary people like you and me.
In rough times it is good to sing praises to God with Maria, to sing yourself out of the darkness into God’s light. In moments of feeling overwhelmed by the harvest it is good to be reminded that we are not called to “fix” it ourselves, the Lord of the harvest is with us! We are not alone!
Regularly people visit the Mission Institute who would like to be involved in communicating the Good News with others. They ask us for help to be better equipped for that task.

What about just sharing an “ordinary” week with you - if there ever is such thing – to give you better insight in what’s on!

Usually I teach in Papa on this day, but today I return from a brief visit to The Netherlands, where I attended the retirement celebration of my supervisor of Utrecht University Dr. Jan A.B. Jongeneel. It was very good to meet many colleagues and friends I had not met for ages. One of them made quite a shocking remark: “You have turned rather grey…’”, but then he complimented: “it fits you well!”. His next question was: my daughter, a third year theology student would like to come to study with you for a year, would that be possible?” I realized that years had gone by…

Back in the office. In the corridor I ran into our librarian Katalin: “I am on my way to Papa to take the first load of duplicates to the library”. Lately we received another load of books from retired missiologists. Even my office has turned into a storing place. We send these duplicates to libraries of partner institutions.
When I enter my office I turn on my computer. To my great disappointment our six-year-old network is down again, a weekly returning problem. Obviously computers retire earlier than professors! To make the best of the situation Zsofi, my secretary, suggests that we take some extra time together. She is a master in managing me and my time. Since September she is back on her post after one and a half year maternity leave due to the adoption of a Roma little girl Gyöngyi.
The telephone rings. Kornél Papp of the synod office: “Some minor revisions are still needed in the proposal of the postgraduate program in missions for presentation to the synod of the Reformed Church on Thursday.” To my surprise it will not only be accepted as a program of the Protestant Institute for Mission Studies, but as the general requirements of the synod for any such program. After a short break Zsofi and myself continue, but not for long.
Someone is knocking on my door. A former member of our board, Rev. Olivér Czövek, comes in. “I have come to pick up the goods of the Dutch delegation, whose minibus broke down last week, to take them to the Ukraine. I just wanted to greet you.” We talk a few moments. His daughter and son-in-law work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Romania to translate the Bible into a gypsy language. Kati, our business manager and several others help him carry. With Hilda, our program coordinator, we do the final check on the document for the synod. I am glad that the computer network is “up” again, often it takes much longer. Without any problems we can send it to the synod office.
Lunchtime is near. Hilda and Enikő, an American researcher from Romanian-Hungarian background take Dr. Jongeneel out to lunch.

Also in the afternoon I have no time to feel bored. Kati presents me with the financial statements of last month. We discuss the deficit we face in our ministry costs of 50.000 USD. Recently it increased, because pledged funds did not arrive. Unless the situation changes we have six more weeks to pay salaries.
Half an hour I reflect with Enikő, involved in a PhD program at an American university, on her research proposal on a theme related to mission history in Romania.Then I sit down with Hilda to discuss a new distance-learning program The Worldchristian, on taking the Gospel from culture to culture. The publication has met with serious delays. The program will be presented to a number of mission societies to discuss the possibility of cooperation in training young people in cross cultural missions. I am impressed with the quality of her proposal.

Just after five Prof. Jan Jongeneel and myself leave the institute. On my way home I quickly plan a simple meal. For such occasions it is good to have a filled freezer! In less than an hour supper is ready. My Doktorvater asks some penetrating questions: “What about regularly studying mission literature? What major topics are you planning to focus on in your research?
The phone rings. “I call you to pick up the minibus that broke down a few weeks ago.” A representative of the Dutch AA (Automobile Association). Is speaking. It takes a while to explain that ten days ago I only served as an intermediate in arranging the troubles of a Dutch delegation on their way to the Ukraine, who brought more than 400 kg of mission literature for the library.

Every second Wednesday our Management team meets. Veronika greets me with some bank statements: a donation of 2 USD by lady of 90 years old, an alumnus of PMTI sends 75 USD and 400 USD comes from a Hungarian diocese.
Zita reports on two national women conferences, attended by 56 and 68 people. The enthusiasm for small group bible study has grown so much, that the participants even asked to include another study in one of the evening programs. Passive church members turn into more active ones! Also the publishing of this training material suffers a great delay. Sometimes we need an extra load of patience! Then Hilda shares some of the responses from the students in the MTh program. Monika: “This program is beyond my expectations. It is indeed a thrilling spiritual and intellectual journey. It is a refreshing, green pasture… It gives new insights to the problems and struggles of Christianity in my country,… for instance on… the need for transformation of the ghetto mentality…This program is… a wonderful means in God’s hand for preparing me for His mission (in the way of Jesus) in the midst of my culture and society.” According to Reformed pastor László the program has challenged him to read the New Testament from a new, missiological perspective, which affects his preaching and his congregational work. He testifies that his life has changed by the international, and interdenominational contacts with his fellow students.

After a quick lunch the Missiological Research Fellowship starts with 15-20 participants. Students working on their doctoral dissertation at universities in Hungary and the Netherlands (Utrecht) present their research. In his lecture “My pilgrimage in Mission” Prof. Jan Jongeneel touches on the very sensitive issue of ethnic tensions in the Indonesian situation. A fascinating discussion arises on similar issues in church and mission in Central and Eastern Europe. When I want to go home I realize that my keys and coat are locked into my office. I have to call one of my colleagues. Jongeneel and myself decide to go for a supper in one of the little restaurants in the Raday street.

Although I had planned to lead the 2nd day of the Missiological Research Fellowship, I spent most of my time at the synod of the Reformed Church of Hungary (with 1.6 million members), where the proposal of the postgraduate program in missions will be discussed. Presenter is Dr. Attila Kalman, former minister of education, head of the committee for education: “The proposal is scheduled for around 3 o’clock.” A “little” delay of three hours gives me plenty of time to observe the synod meeting and to have many useful “break” discussions with synod members.” In his presentation Dr. Kalman emphasizes the importance of the program for missionary calling of the church. The dean of one of the theological institutions stresses that this program will be of crucial important for the continuous education of the 1200+ pastors, a topic just discussed. All of the synod members voted in favour. I felt it was a historic moment in the history of the Protestant Institute for Mission Studies.

I hurry back to the Mission institute. At 7 o’clock an evening class starts on faith and culture led by Dóra Bernhardt. Jongeneel will lecture on Newbigin. A fascinating group of 10 students and young graduates have gathered. They feel a strong need to be better equipped to witness in today’s society. I am impressed by the level of the discussion, with an interesting dynamic between (future) pastors and the so called “lay” people.

At 8.30 a.m. I arrive at the Mission Institute. I notice that one of the lights in our offices is on. “I’m sure someone forgot to shut them off”. When I open the door,I realize I have interrupted Eszter Dani teaching her course on Gypsy Mission!
Zsofi, my secretary has good news. Finally an appointment could be arranged with Prof. Dr. David Németh, dean of the theological Faculty of the Gaspar Karoli Reformed university, for a brief lunch meeting with Jongeneel.
At 9 o’clock the Missiological Research Fellowship meeting resumes. I am not surprised to hear that despite (or because?) of my absence the previous day, the discussions had been excellent. It is a sign that gradually responsibilities can be handed over to young Hungarian scholars. Jongeneel even remarked that the discussions have reached the same level as in Utrecht!

During the lunch meeting the dean showed a keen interested in the role of missiology in the theological curriculum and also in strengthening the historic links with Utrecht University. The rest of the day Jongeneel and myself have “consulting hours” with “our students”. The topics they are studying seem to inspire and motivate them for their ministry in the church. Each one of them brings significant sacrifices with their families in order to finish their research into crucial missiological questions, important for the future of church’s local and global mission.
They eagerly look forward to the opening of the expanded library which will provide them with adequate study carrels. Some even plead that we organize “dissertation writing weeks” – intensive weeks of research and writing in the library starting with morning devotions.

One week in the Mission Institute. I hope it gave you a bit of a feel of our every day life, as we seek to train young people to be well equipped workers in His harvest.
I would like to wish you many blessings for the advent and Christmas season.
Yours in Christ.
Anne-Marie Kool
Praise and Prayer
1. Praise:
Acceptance by the synod of the Reformed Church in Hungary of the proposal for the postgraduate program in missions, church development, and cross cultural ministry
Eagerness of Hungarian women to study the Word of God
Evening classes led by Dóra Bernhardt. Students are pressing her to continue during the next semester
2. Prayer:
For a miracle of 50.000 USD to meet deficit of 2003.
For publication of trainings material for bible study groups
For the start of distance learning course The World Christian and course book to be published in time.
More personal time to read and study!

This is the monthly prayer update of Anne-Marie Kool for friends of the Protestant Institute for Mission Studies. She has been commissioned by the Reformed Missionary League (RML) in the Netherlands Reformed Church in Driebergen, the Netherlands in 1993, seconded to the Reformed Church in Hungary. Since 1995 she has served as the director of the Protestant Institute for Mission Studies in Budapest. In 1998 she was appointed as Professor in Missiology at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Papa.
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