Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Symposium Leadership Development in the Church and Roundtable discussion on cooperation Jonathan Edwards Center

For the second time an Erasmus program visit took place of the Faculty of the Evangelical School of Theology, Wroclaw, to the Károli Gáspár Reformed University in Budapest.

On September 28th a Symposium was held on Leadership Development in the Church. The next day papers dealt with Jonathan Edwards and we discussed possibilities of closer cooperation in the Jonathan Edwards Center of Yale Divinity School.

The program:
Program Erasmus Visit EWST KRE Version3

For a picture impression:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Vijf misverstanden over de Roma - Leo Lucassen

Vijf misverstanden over de Romadiversiteit.

Roma beheersen nu al weken het Europese nieuws. En daarmee ook de hardnekkige wijdverspreide stereotiepen over ‘de zigeuner’. Leo Lucasssen ontkracht een handvol mythes.

De uitzettingen van Roma uit Frankrijk in de afgelopen weken hebben niet alleen bijzonder veel media-aandacht gegenereerd, maar ook de gemoederen tot op het hoogste Europese niveau in beroering gebracht. Nadat eurocommissaris voor Vrijheid en Fundamentele rechten Viviane Reding het Franse uitzettingsbeleid had vergeleken met de deportaties in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, barstte een waar pandemonium los, met de Franse president Sarkozy in de hoofdrol.

Bovendien meenden ook Nederlandse politici, zoals Tweede Kamerlid Mirjam Sterk (CDA), zich met populistische flinkheid en niet gehinderd door kennis van zaken in het debat te moeten mengen door Nederlandse Roma de wacht aan te zeggen. Wat de vele berichten en uitspraken over Roma kenmerkt, is het groot aantal misverstanden over deze groep en daarnaast het gebrek aan concrete en realistische oplossingen. Laten we de misverstanden eens langsgaan.

Lees verder: http://diversiteit.nieuwslog.nl/article/diversiteit_112105/Vijf_misverstanden_over_de_Roma.html

Leo Lucassen
Hoogleraar sociale geschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden. Promoveerde in 1990 op de geschiedenis van zigeuners in Nederland, 1850-1940.

Bovenstaand stuk stond afgelopen zaterdag (25 september) in NRC Handelsblad (Opinie & Debat) en is met toestemming van de auteur op Republiek Allochtonie geplaatst.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Impressions from Mission Conference for pastors of the Slovakian Reformed Christian Church

From 20 - 25 September three different mission conferences were held for Hungarian speaking and Slovakian speaking pastors of the Slovakian Reformed Christian Church. In total about 200 Hungarian speaking and 25 Slovakian speaking pastors participated. There was a great openness and interest, warm hospitality from hosting congregations all over. The vision for these conferences came from Bishop Rev. László Fazekas, and they were organised in an excellent way by the mission pastor, Rev. Árpád Molnár. Give thanks for this important initiative and pray for wisdom in taking next steps.
The title of my lecture was Crises, Shifts and Changes in Mission. My notes (in Hungarian) http://www.scribd.com/doc/38342672 and the Powerpoint Presentation http://www.scribd.com/doc/38342712 can be downloaded here..., although in each different place my talk took different shapes...
Would you like to get an impression of the conferences:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Invitation -- Symposium Leadership development in the church


(Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies
of the Károli University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary and the Evangelical School of Theology, Wroclaw, Poland)

invites you for a


Leadership Development in the Church

Monday 27 September 2010, 10.00 -15.00 hrs.
Budapest, Kálvin tér 7.II


Language: English

Organised by:
- The Evangelical School of Theology, Wroclaw, Poland (EWST)
- CIMS: Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies of KRE

Place: CIMS (Kálvin tér 7.II, 1091 Budapest)

Registration :Attendance is free, but registration is necessary due to restricted space in the meeting room. Registration by email at the latest by 23nd September, 2010 at: CIMS, Mónika Józsa, Kálvin tér 7.II, 1091 Budapest, tel. 216 20 54 cims@kre.hu.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CIMS Roma Mapping Conference Impressions

Around 35 participants from seven countries in Central and Eastern Europe with unique experiences in the field, gathered for a mapping conference on Roma and Christianity on August 30 and 31, 2010, in the Central and Eastern European Institute for Mission Studies. The conference was sponsored by the Protestant Church in the Netherlands Kerk in Actie program office.