Good news for the City, consultation of the Protestant Institute for Mission Studies on Urban Mission, under leadership of Dr. Raymond J. Bakke, 14-16th October 1998
In the Signs of Life from Hungary nr. 45 of Oct 29, 1998 I wrote:
"Good News for the City
I was just reading the responses to the conference "Good News for the City" with Dr Ray Bakke, which we held two weeks ago. The following are a selection of the remarks: "It was good to get to know about the work of others." "The contact with one another was very good." "The message was conveyed clearly and was of great help to me." "A second conference is needed. We need a catalyst like this!" More than a hundred people took part from ten different denominations and seven different nationalities. Despite the differences, we experienced unity in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Various participants noted that one of the plus points of the conference was making contacts. We tend so much to live in isolation, especially in the city. Various preachers remarked that the conference gave them the opportunity to discuss the questions, which they face in their city churches. It was at times shocking to be confronted from close quarters with the need of the homeless, gypsies, addicts and prostitutes. In contrast, many people had no idea about what is going on in Budapest in the area of missions and relief work! Another good thing was that lots of volunteers helped with the organization. A theological student came up to me at the end with the question, "May I help again with the next conference?" Thank you for your prayers!"